Environmental, Social and Governance – Webinar
Join us for a complimentary ESG webinar with expert presenters to hear their views on the rise of ESG, stakeholder capitalism, and the search for inclusive economic growth in a post-COVID-19 new reality for business and society.
Hosted by:
- Welcome & introductions: Erosha Govender, CEO: Alternative Prosperity, Cape Town Office (10 minutes)
- First presenter: Shameela Soobramoney, Chief Sustainability Officer: JSE (25 minutes)
- Second Presenter: Robert Lewenson, Head of ESG Engagement: Old Mutual (25 minutes)
- 10-minute comfort break
- Third presenter: Gray Maguire, Green Economy Coordinator: Western Cape Provincial Government (25 minutes)
- Moderated panel discussion: Adrian Bertrand, Co-founder: Six Capitals ESG Advisory (moderator), Panelists: Robert Lewenson, Gray Maguire, Shameela Soobramoney (25 minutes)